When Heat –N-Glo started its business 20 years ago, it was known for inventing the direct vent technology. This allowed home owners to place gas fireplaces in virtually any room in their home. As time went on, Heat-N-Glo continued to develop better technology and products to meet the desires of the modern homeowner. They have fireplaces, stoves, and stove inserts to meet any demand and have many different designs available.
Heat-n-Glo Fireplaces
Heat-N-Glo offers four different types of fireplaces. They offer the traditional wood burning fireplace in array of styles and designs. The second type of fireplace that they offer is the gas fireplace. These fireplaces have the look of a traditional wood fireplace but none of the hassle associated with wood. The gas fireplaces come with a remote control options. They also can be placed in almost any room in the house. The third type of fireplace is the electric fireplace. The electric fireplace can go anywhere that there is an outlet. It still sets the mood and gives off the warmth of the other fireplaces but it is completely fuss free. The outdoor fireplaces are the fourth type of fireplaces. Outside fireplaces are a hot trend right now in the housing industry. They make the outside become a comfortable living space while adding value to the home.
Heat-n-Glo Gas Stoves
Heat-N-Glo offers gas stoves that will fit into any household theme from traditional to contemporary. There gas stoves are efficient and allow for a clean healthy home environment. They also operate in a power outage to continue to provide the home with needed warmth and security.
Heat-n-Glo Gas Inserts
Gas stove inserts are used to turn unused masonry fireplaces into a gas fireplace. This is a great way to get the look and warmth from the fireplace without having to deal with the wood. It is a great way to enclose a fireplace that is not in use and actually put it to use. There are several styles to choose from. The stove inserts also allow for the ease of starting a fire from the comfort of an easy chair or couch.