When Is It Time To Upgrade Your Stove?
As much as the many appliances in our home help us to accomplish our everyday tasks, there’s one thing that they all have in common: they all have an expiration date! This is especially the case when it comes to your stove or fireplace. Regardless of what fuel source you use to meet your heating needs, a failure to recognize the warning signs of needing a replacement unit can result in significant heating costs. You shouldn’t have to pay for something that isn’t effective! So, what are the warning signs of needing to upgrade your stove? Below, we’ll showcase the most telling signs!
Slower, Less Effective Performance
Over time, you should get a good idea of how often you need to replenish your stove’s fuel source. As stoves age, they become far less effective at meeting your heating needs. Especially in the case of wood-burning stoves, your fuel source will start to burn for far shorter increments of time, making it less effective at accomplishing what you want it to. This means that it’s less efficient at doing its job, which can lead to significant increases in your utility bill costs from month to month. The more you pay, the more you should be considering an upgrade!
You Notice Dark Smoke
The fuel source you use for your stove should be able to burn cleanly. This means that the smoke it emanates is clean, clear, and doesn’t cause serious harm. As this smoke darkens, the odds of a soot byproduct appearing throughout your home get much higher! Smoke can cause serious respiratory problems, which are heightened as the smoke clouds get darker. It points to a lack of efficient burning with your fuel source, a crucial sign of needing an upgrade!
EPA Certification
Take a moment to examine your stove. Damaged or corroded components are a surefire sign of needing an upgrade, but there’s something else you should be looking out for as well. Check the back of the stove for a permanent EPA certification label. If it doesn’t have one, it’s a good sign that your unit is older and needs to be upgraded. The EPA has released several emissions standards for wood-burning stoves that can help you determine whether you need a new one. If it doesn’t have the label, it doesn’t meet the grade!
Stoves Of All Kinds With The Stove Shoppe
No matter what your budget, surface area, and heating desires are for your property in New Hampshire, they can all be met by working with The Stove Shoppe! We offer stoves and fireplaces of all kinds and fuel sources to help homeowners meet even the most specific of heating needs. If you’ve determined that you need a stove upgrade, don’t settle for less than the best. Click here to contact us directly and secure this quality for yourself!
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